
May 7, 20212 min

3D Art & Social Media Marketing with Sandy Ashbaugh and Pat Isaacson

This week, Pat Isaacson (Pats Glass Studio) and Sandy Ashbaugh (Contemporary Ceramic Artist) discuss how to display and marketing three-dimensional art through social media and in galleries. There are some special considerations and techniques to keep in mind when translating the dimension of space through flat images.

Pat Isaacson - Pats Glass Studio

Pat Isaacson was a programmer and systems analyst for many years, working for IBM in Salt Lake City and Honeywell in Chicago and finally starting her own business. “There was always something new to learn when working with computers. It was a creative and rewarding vocation for me.”

In the early 90's Pat developed a love of glass art and started collecting glass pieces. A few years ago she decided to try her hand at creating glass and purchased a small kiln. Little did she know how it was going to take over her life! She has now added a second kiln and any available funds are spent on classes, glass, and tools. (and her electric bill!)

“I enjoy selecting the color schemes and combinations for my glass pieces, and strive to create patterns and shapes that please my eye based on years of experience in making and appreciating art, and influenced by my love of architecture and mathematics.”

Pat is a juried member of the Sonoran Arts League and Arizona Designers and Craftsmen.


Sandy Ashbaugh - Contemporary Ceramic Artist

Ceramic artist Sandy Ashbaugh has been working in clay for over 30 years. She uses a traditional hand-building method of slab construction and sgraffito, yet achieves a modern aesthetic. Among her best-known pieces are those from her uniquely designed and handcrafted, sake set collection, as well as her lidded vessel series. The latter was published in Lark Craft’s “500 Raku,” juried into various shows, and purchased by public and private institutions.

Sandy draws inspiration from architectural and interior design elements, like those from the Bauhaus movement, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Frank Gehry. She obtained her BFA from Florida Atlantic University and has worked in clay ever since.

Residing in Arizona, she is passionate about art education and has been involved with local schools and communities, teaching art as well as coordinating art programs and shows since 2004.


Find Pat's Work:

Pat's Glass Studio - http://www.patsglassstudio.com

The JoyEful Gallery at El Pedregal - http://www.joyefulgallery.com

On the Edge Gallery (Scottsdale, AZ) - https://www.ontheedgegallery.com/home

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pats.glass.studio

Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/PatsGlassStudio

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/patsglass

Email: pisaacson@cox.net

Find Sandy's Work:

Sandy Ashbaugh Ceramic - https://sandyashbaugh.com

Vision Gallery (Chandler, AZ) - https://www.visiongallery.org

San Tan Artists Guild - https://www.santanartistsguild.com

Artists of the Superstitions - http://www.artistsofthesuperstitions.com

Ocotillo Artists Group - https://www.facebook.com/ocotilloartistsgroup

Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/shop/SandyAshbaughCeramic

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sashbaugh4

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sandyashbaughceramics

Email: sandyashbaughceramics@gmail.com


Please enjoy the podcast and don't forget to join my art chats on Monday and Friday mornings 8 Pacific/11 Eastern and for Wednesday Happy Hour at 4 Pacific/7 Eastern. Monday chats have a topic, Friday is Zen Art Zoom, and Happy Hour is open to anything. To join, message me on Instagram (@curiouskirby or @kirbyplessasart) or join my Curious Kirby Creatives Facebook Group.


Music: Michael Shynes

Song: A Sweet Suspicion